Previous Projects
MIS cooperated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to hold a JENESYS program named “Japan ASEAN student conference” in 2018 and 2019. In 2020, by utilizing the experiences and collaborating with MOFA, MIS organized “Japan-ASEAN student council 2020”. In 2021, under the JENESYS program, we held "JENESYS2021 AOIP Exchange".

Japan-ASEAN student conference 2018
We provided 6 divisions, Agriculture, Energy, Disaster prevention, Health, Gender, and Aging society.
The lecture and discussion themes were based on UN SDGs.
写真提供 日本国際協力センター
Japan-ASEAN student conference 2019
We provided 5 divisions, Tourism, Foreign labors, Education, Food loss, and Disaster prevention.
We hosted more than 100 students from ASEAN 10 countries and East Timor, and Japan.

写真提供 株式会社JTB
See MOFA report https://www.mofa.go.jp/a_o/rp/page3e_001047.html

Japan-ASEAN student council 2020
We provided 4 divisions, Education, Tourism, Human mobility, and Sustainable city.
We held this conference ONILINE for the first time.
We invited Professor Wing Thyne Woo(UC Berkley), Professor Kiichi Fujiwara(UTokyo), and Professor Takashi Shiraishi (Kumamoto Univ.) as a keynote speeker.
JENESYS2021 AOIP Excahnge
Coming soon...

Japan-ASEAN student council 2022
coming soon...